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Under Construction

A page of links that hopefully you will find useful.

Hostels in Ireland
Jonny Porter holding a leaflet

Hostels are one of the cheapest forms of accommodation and this leaflet (available locally) has all the right information. Click on the picture above to visit the website for our international readers.

Jackson Sports - the website for the best local outdoors store

Peak Discovery - A website under construction at the moment, but e-mail the webmaster to find out what's in store

Whatever Dude - Thoroughly entertaining

Official Pot Noodle website from Bestfoods UK Limited (sold by Golden Wonder). A very strange and 'interesting'site

ITV Weather - one of the most comprehensive weather sites on the net

cplswizzle - A fabulous website which you should check out right now

Unofficial Pot Noodle website - This person has tried the many flavours of that dehydrated foodstuff created by Golden Wonder.

The German A-Team Resource Page - Join Bjoern and his friends on his tribute to the fantastic four

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This website and content quick-flick © 1996-2003 Jonny Porter. All rights reserved.