Dr Who


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DR WHO has been voted the greatest Science Fiction Character of all time in an SFX Magazine poll. The rumours about a new Dr Who series were given more authority recently and here's what the BBC's Richard Carey told quick-flick's Jonny Porter after he asked if newspaper reports that a new series was being made next year were true.

Dear Jonny

Thank you for your e-mail regarding 'Doctor Who'.

If I can clarify the situation regarding the Doctor, during a live interview on
the Simon Mayo R5L show on 17th September 2002, Lorraine Heggessey, Controller of
BBC ONE, stated that we would love to have the show back and we are looking into
it but there are many issues such as rights that would need to be overcome first
and currently there are no developments.

I have certainly registered your keen interest in seeing the series return to our
screens and, as you are such a fan, you may wish to visit the programme's website
which can be found at:


Thank you once again for taking the time to contact us.


Richard Carey
BBC Information

quick-flick © 1996-2003 Jonny Porter. All rights reserved.