quick-flick in the Mournes


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quick-flick and friends out and about in the Mournes.

Danger FIELD
Bryan Knox and David Johnson as we trek towards Devil's Coach Road from the cottage

Rocky VI
Bryan and David treading the unstable granite surface

Speak of the Devil
A close up of the terrain on the Devil's Coach Road, mighty unsettling to travel on

Hats OK
Jonny Porter wearing a hat supplied by Bryan at the top, where winds were a blowin'

Photographed by Bryan Knox
Alls wall that ends wall
Jonny and David take an express trip along the Mournes wall

That's wall folks
David Johnson (left) and Jonny a closer look at them standing on the wall

Stephen with a 'PH'
Stevie Hall the quick-flick Technical Advisor

Born Slippy
Stevie makes it across a frozen river

999 Michael Buerk

Stevie, just after he fell. We told him not to move, normally a safety precaution, in this case it was so we could take a picture for quick-flick fans amusement.

Right Wave
Swizzle Girl: Rachel Switzer finishes her climb

quick-flick © 1996-2003 Jonny Porter. All rights reserved.