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Grubby Down Under

Featuring Ed Perrin
Any correspondence for Ed e-mail here:
or see his personal e-mail address in his text, below

Ed Head

A word from GRUBBY
Yo Perrin's Portal readers.  G'day everybody. Well guys it been a number of weeks since I last updated Perrin's Portal.So whats new with me? Well I'm still with my ol' kitchen hand job which is not the most glamorous job in the world but i really quite enjoy it. I make so much money and all the chefs feed all the kitchen and waitering staff little morsels which means I don't have to buy any food at all. Score! I'm saving loads for the next leg of my journey. Incidentally I am planning to leave Sydney on the 5th of april or thereabouts. This will give me roughly two and a half months to travel around the country which should be plenty of time to have some great craic. Sadly all my nice flatmates have moved on which is a darn shame. As of yet I still don't know the new ones very well but I'm sure in time we'll get on well. It's been hard though because I got used to having the other guys about and the place was like home. As soon as these new guys have moved in they ripped the posters off the walls and completely rearranged all the furniture and made the place all tidy. I didn't like that. I like living in a controlled mess. Now if I leave something lying around I find it later on sitting in a nice neat pile on my bed. It really didn't get me off on the right foot with them. Ah well. Only a few weeks to go before I'll be on the road. Nothing too wild or exciting has been happening except I met up with Barry Morton and Andrew Lowry from home with some of Andy's friends and we went out for a nice Japanese meal. Lots of drink was had and we had a super time. It was very nice to meet some people from good old Saintfield. Never thought I'd say this guys but I actually miss the place and the people. So thats about it from me. I'd love to hear from all of you guys again. All the very best guys.Loads of love Ed. You'll be hearing from me
again soon.  Loads of love.  Ed

Don't forget you can e-mail me at

its a harbour darling

ABOVE: Darling Harbour, this is where I live and work and the photo was
taken from the top of the AMP tower which is the big gold ball on the end of
a stick in the sydney skyline.
BELOW: This is another pic of Darling Harbour looking up at the AMP
tower.  The monorail which travels throught the centre of sydney is speeding
past in the foreground.

harbour again

Grubby's gang

ABOVE: These are my very friendly flatmates all of whom are English.  From left
to right we have Jules, Ben, Emma, Vicky and myself.

Geoff Bridges

HARBOUR BRIDGE: This is a shot of the famous harbour bridge aka the
coathanger and to the right is the Sydney opera house.

Very Manly

MANLY BEACH: A lovely beach where I spent the day when I last spoke with you.
  A typical days weather in Sydney  with the sun, sea and surf.  Wonderful!

Grubby Devil

ME & TINA: This is me and a lovely irish lass called Tina, one of my
ex flatmates, at the top of the AMP tower.

... Keep checking this page as quick-flick keeps up-to-date with Ed and his travels and where possible pics will appear on 'Perrin's Portal'. Here is Ed's original schedule.
20th January - Fly to Sydney via LA arriving two days later
22nd January - Work in Sydney for 3 months before travelling around
Australia for 3 months.
20th July - Fly from Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand where I will spend a
month travelling.
20th August - Fly from Auckland to Nadi, Fiji where I will spend 2 weeks
lying in a tropical paradise.
1st September - Fly to Los Angeles, California where i will spend 5 days perhaps maybe driving up to San Fransisco
6th September - Fly home where I'll most likely sleep for several years.

Opera House, Sydney
Ed is trying to find work in Sydney

A Grubby Guinness
Ed at the White Horse on Christmas Eve 2002

Formerly 'Grubby's World'

The names 'Grubby's World' , 'Perrin & People' and 'Perrin's Portal' belong to quick-flick
Thanks to Owen Watters for the name suggestion.

quick-flick © 1996-2003 Jonny Porter. All rights reserved.